Giving Something Back
Since 1997
Wilderness Volunteers has been providing affordable and meaningful volunteer service opportunities that conserve and protect America’s wild lands since 1997. Working in cooperation with the US Forest Service, National Park Service, the BLM, the US Fish & Wildlife Service and others, you’ll be inspired and invigorated when you see how much a group can accomplish in a few days.
Upcoming Projects
Location: Juniper Basin, Saguaro NP (east)
Challenging. Backpacking with some support; ~6.9 mi. w/ 3000’ gain
Backcountry. Tent camping.
This project will take down historic grazing fences in the region of one of the backcountry campgrounds, Juniper Basin, which sits at 6000 ft elevation in the Rincon Mountains.
This project is sponsored by:
Location: Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument
Strenuous. ~3 mile daily hikes
Front country: dispersed tent camping
Join us at Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument as we help remediate visitor impacts on GSENM along popular recreation corridors.
Location: City of Rocks National Reserve, ID
Active: 1-2 mile daily hikes
Front country: Tent or car camping in a designated campground
Help create a defensible space against wildfires & construct fencing to deter the vandalism of the federally protected Register Rock & Camp Rock (containing signatures from emigrants traveling nearly 200 years ago).
Latest News
Play a BIG Role on the 2025 Big Thicket National Preserve project!
This April we’re heading to Southeast Texas for a new project: Big Thicket National Preserve (BTNP). If you’re unfamiliar with Big Thicket National Preserve, let’s catch you up: BTNP was established on October 11, 1974 BTNP less than 2 hours away from downtown Houston...
2024 Wilderness Volunteers Photo Contest
It's time to revisit your camera rolls to find your best Wilderness Volunteers photos for our 2024 Photo Contest! We have great prizes for the winners of some fun categories: All Things Work - Pictures depicting project work, the tools used, hiking on the trail, etc.,...
T-Shirt Design Contest
Calling all artists & graphic designers! We are excited to announce our first-ever T-Shirt Design Contest! We are looking for a new t-shirt design for our 2025 Project Season - and we need your help! Anyone can submit their design to be featured on a limited...