Location: Dolores, CO
Strenuous. Up to 5 mi. daily.
Front country. Dispersed tent/car camping.
This is a medium elevation project: 5,000′-7,000′
Help close social trails, maintain trail drainage, reestablish trail tread, and brush the Sand Canyon Trails System.
This project is sponsored in loving memory and honor of Norman Goree Kittrell III, who loved hiking, Colorado, and “giving back”.
Service Project Details
We’re excited to partner again for a second year and learn about the Canyons of the Ancients National Monument in Colorado. We’ll spend the week closing down and naturalizing social trails and brushing within the Sand Canyon Trails System. Work may also involve replacing signage, cairn rebuilding, rehabilitating trail corridors, etc. 4WD vehicles are recommended to travel to and from basecamp.
Project Leaders: Dave Pacheco and Beth Haynes
Agency Website
Sunday, May 4th. The Volunteer group meets at midday at a time/place TBD. The group will go through check-in, introductions, orientation, and will help set up camp in preparation for the work week ahead.
Monday, May 5th. Workday.
Tuesday, May 6th. Workday.
Wednesday, May 7th. Day off.
Thursday, May 8th. Workday.
Friday, May 9th. Workday.
Saturday, May 10th. Break down camp, goodbyes, and depart.
Nearest Cities
Cortez, CO
Monticello, UT
Nearest Airports
Montrose Regional Airport (MTJ) – ~128 miles away
Four Corners Regional Airport (KFMN) – ~82 miles away
Free Time Details
Day hikes in the Monument, visiting Hovenweep National Monument and the outliers, Painted Hand Pueblo and Lowry Pueblo, view wildlife, etc.
Front country. Dispersed tent/car camping.
Strenuous. Up to 5 mi. daily.
Task Details
Bending, cutting, hauling, swinging, digging, pulling, throwing, lifting, etc.
Equipment List
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