Location: Lincoln, NH
Strenuous. Daily hikes from 1-8 miles RT w/ 500’-1000’ gain
Front country: dispersed tent/car camping
Help restore naturalize and restore various user-created trails returning them to an undisrupted state in the heart of the White Mountain National Forest.
Service Project Details
The Pemigewasset Wilderness is an amazing natural and historic resource offering amazing recreational opportunities. It sees a high level of use in certain areas, and because of this “user-created trails” or bushwhacks can develop. This project would help us to naturalize and restore one of these paths and return the affected area to its formerly undeveloped state. Utilizing a combination of brush, transplanting, and naturalization techniques the existing path would be made unrecognizable, and would no longer be able to be navigated by the visiting public. This would deter any further use and development in this area. There are also some user-created campsites along and near this path that would be naturalized as well. This would allow folks to split up the work, as well as separate out participants daily depending on the needs of the group. The same techniques and tools would be used for both aspects of the project.
Volunteers for this project need to have strong hiking endurance and be comfortable with crossing rivers & streams. The White Mountain National Forest Backcountry and Wilderness Program has collaborated with Wilderness Volunteers on numerous projects over the years. This group is an amazing resource that has contributed to the success of our Wilderness Management mission. We wish to continue this great partnership we have shared over the years!
Project Leaders: Aidalicia Swertfeger and Natalie Nowak
Agency Website
Sunday, July 20th. The Volunteer group meets at midday at a time/place TBD. The group will go through check-in, introductions, orientation, and will help set up camp in preparation for the work week ahead.
Monday, July 21st. Workday.
Tuesday, July 22nd. Workday.
Wednesday, July 23rd. Day off.
Thursday, July 24th. Workday.
Friday, July 25th. Workday.
Saturday, July 26th. Break down camp, good-byes, depart.
Nearest Cities
Lincoln, NH
North Woodstock, NH
Nearest Airports
Portland International Jetport (PWM) – ~87 miles
Burlington International Airport (BTV) – ~104 miles
Portsmouth International Airport (PSM) – ~127 miles
Bangor International Airport (BGR) – ~195 miles
Free Time Details
Hiking, scenic driving, swimming, fishing, kayaking, shopping, sightseeing, viewing wildlife, photography, relaxing, etc.
Front country: dispersed tent/car camping
Strenuous. Daily hikes from 1-8 miles RT w/ 500’-1000’ gain
Task Details
Bending, cutting, hauling, swinging, digging, throwing, pushing, lifting, kneeling, crouching, sloped terrain, etc.
Equipment List
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