Location: Juniper Basin, Saguaro NP (east)
Challenging. Backpacking with some support; ~6.9 mi. w/ 3000’ gain
Backcountry. Tent camping.
This project will take down historic grazing fences in the region of one of the backcountry campgrounds, Juniper Basin, which sits at 6000 ft elevation in the Rincon Mountains.
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Service Project Details
In recent years one of Saguaro National Park’s objectives has been to remove historic grazing fences which greatly restrict the movement of the wildlife across the diverse terrain of the Sonoran Desert and the Rincon Mountains.. Great progress has been made as many of the fences in the park which are easily accessible have been removed. In 2024 Wilderness Volunteers had service project in the vicinity of Juniper Basin which is a lovely Pinyon/Juniper/Ponderosa Pine environment nestled at approximately 6,0000 feet elevation in the Rincon Mountains. Last year’s WVers were able to remove approximately .8 mile of fence in this remote area.
Saguaro National will provide the fencing tools necessary to unclip and roll the barbed wire and the backpacks necessary to transport the rolls of barbed wire. This will be a strenuous project as the hike to the backcountry campground is 6.9 miles and approximately 3,000 feet of elevation gain. Additionally, the project will involve a daily hike of approximately one hour to and from the work area. Much of the hike and the work area is rough terrain. Lastly, because of the remoteness of the base camp and no pack support, volunteers will be asked to carry a share of the group’s food and supplies on the hike up to Juniper Basin. On the free day there will be an opportunity to hike up to Tanque Verde Peak and enjoy spectacular views the high Rincon Mountains. Or, WVers can enjoy the lovely environment of the base camp.
View the photo gallery from previous Saguaro National Park projects.
Project leaders: Lee Cooper and Bob Fink
Agency Website
Sunday, April 13th. The Volunteer group will meet at 8 AM at the Saguaro National Park East Visitor’s center. The group will go through check-in, introductions, orientation, and hike up to the base camp. Everyone will help set up camp in preparation for the work week ahead.
Monday, April 14th. Workday.
Tuesday, April 15th. Workday.
Wednesday, April 16th. Day off. (Hike to Tanque Verde Peak)
Thursday, April 17th. Workday.
Friday, April 18th. Workday.
Saturday, April 19th. Break down camp, hike back to vehicles, goodbyes, and depart.
Free Time Details
Hiking, viewing wildlife and plants, photography, relaxation.
Backcountry tent camping.
Challenging. Backpacking with no support; ~6.9 miles w/ 3000’ gain.
Task Details
Cutting vegetation, cutting and handling wire which involves bending over, rolling barbed wire, lifting, carrying, etc.
Equipment List
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