INTERN BLOG SERIES: Why Do We Volunteer?

Even after a long day of work it’s still just as easy for volunteers to crack a smile.Why Do We Volunteer?by Mary SandersWilderness Volunteers 2018 InternThese trips aren’t a walk in the park. There isn’t anything easy about waking before the sun, working all day,...


Hiking into a workdayHome Away From Homeby Mary Sanders Wilderness Volunteers 2018 InternThe smell of fresh air was the first thing that hit me getting out of the car. The Weminuche Wilderness, a pristine area within the Rio Grande National Forest, was the location of...

DIY Series: Wine Box Handwashing Bag

In a group camping/backpacking situation handwashing is one of the most important ways we can keep from getting sick (or from spreading germs to others). It can be difficult though when you have to get some extra water and take the water/soap 200ft away from water...