Meet our 2019 WV intern…

For the past few years, Wilderness Volunteers has had an annual intern. Our interns participate in at least 3 service projects and document their experience through writing, photography, and other expressive mediums. This year’s WV intern is Alixandra Schoback,...

INTERN BLOG SERIES: Why Do We Volunteer?

Even after a long day of work it’s still just as easy for volunteers to crack a smile.Why Do We Volunteer?by Mary SandersWilderness Volunteers 2018 InternThese trips aren’t a walk in the park. There isn’t anything easy about waking before the sun, working all day,...


Hiking into a workdayHome Away From Homeby Mary Sanders Wilderness Volunteers 2018 InternThe smell of fresh air was the first thing that hit me getting out of the car. The Weminuche Wilderness, a pristine area within the Rio Grande National Forest, was the location of...