by wilderness | Mar 31, 2010 | contest, photography
Playing Cards in the Maroon Bells, CO (2008)It’s time again for the 2nd annual Wilderness Volunteers Photo Contest. As we did in last year’s inaugural event, which, among other things, featured hard work, Montana “Boot Dryers”, a miniature...
by wilderness | Feb 21, 2009 | contest, photography
Thanks to everyone who participated in Wilderness Volunteers’ inaugural Seven Words of Wisdom Contest and 1st Annual Photo Contest! We received over forty entries between the two contests and had our hands full selecting the winners from the creative, humorous,...
by wilderness | Jan 27, 2009 | contest, photography
Just a reminder: the WV Photo Contest will end this Saturday, January 31st. We’ve received over two dozen submissions and the prizes are still up for grabs. Check out the competition in the WV Gallery, and send your top 4 photos to
by wilderness | Nov 29, 2008 | contest, photography
We started this blog in the fall with a contest inspired by author Michael Pollan and the New York Times “Well Blog.” The goal: to capture the spirit of a Wilderness Volunteers work project in words, seven to be exact. And our creative and dedicated...
by wilderness | Sep 25, 2008 | contest
The New York Times “Well Blog” held a contest in January soliciting Seven Words of Wisdom, and the results were interesting and thought provoking. It was based on author Michael Pollan’s (In Defense of Food) seven-word edict: “Eat food. Not too...