by wilderness | Aug 5, 2011 | Hawaii Volcanoes, invasive species, rehabilitation, restoration, sea turtles
In March of 2010, I was lucky enough to co-lead a Wilderness Volunteers trip to Halape beach in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. We backpacked about 8 miles in over some fantastic lava down to the coast line and spent a week removing invasive vines and trees. These...
by wilderness | Mar 20, 2010 | conservation, Hawaii Volcanoes, hiking, national parks, nature, sea turtles, wildlife
I just returned from the Hawaiian Volcanoes National Park service project where we backpacked 8 miles losing 2700-feet to get to a remote beach at Halape where we set up camp for a week of making the beach a more friendly place for rare hawksbill turtles, a critically...