12 More iPhone Apps for the Outdoors

Whether you’re taking your iPhone with you on a dayhike or a full-blown backpacking trip, here are some apps that could come in handy. Includes park maps, a neat flash-light feature, bird and tree guides, survival techniques, even a guide to animal tracks and...

Project Noah

I don’t own an iPhone and don’t plan to buy one anytime soon. I was slow to purchase a cell-phone, prefer a simple roadmap to a GPS system, and don’t understand all the excitement about eBooks and eReaders. My friends and siblings – hot on the...

Got Nature?

Great Falls National Park, VA (2010)I’m about to begin reading Richard Louv’s bestseller Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder, which argues that children need nature just as much as they need their vegetables and their...

Wild Montana Sky

Bob Marshall Wilderness, MT (2005)Thoreau took to the woods for inspiration, peace of mind, and creative expression. Bill Bryson took a “walk in the woods” and wrote all about it. So did Aldo Leopold, John Muir, Teddy Roosevelt, Rachel Carson, and...