by wilderness | Oct 21, 2010 | iPhone, nature, technology
Whether you’re taking your iPhone with you on a dayhike or a full-blown backpacking trip, here are some apps that could come in handy. Includes park maps, a neat flash-light feature, bird and tree guides, survival techniques, even a guide to animal tracks and...
by wilderness | Oct 17, 2010 | iPhone, nature, Project Noah, technology
I don’t own an iPhone and don’t plan to buy one anytime soon. I was slow to purchase a cell-phone, prefer a simple roadmap to a GPS system, and don’t understand all the excitement about eBooks and eReaders. My friends and siblings – hot on the...
by wilderness | Aug 17, 2010 | books, media, nature, southwest
Great Falls National Park, VA (2010)I’m about to begin reading Richard Louv’s bestseller Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder, which argues that children need nature just as much as they need their vegetables and their...
by wilderness | Jul 13, 2010 | Montana, music, nature
Bob Marshall Wilderness, MT (2005)Thoreau took to the woods for inspiration, peace of mind, and creative expression. Bill Bryson took a “walk in the woods” and wrote all about it. So did Aldo Leopold, John Muir, Teddy Roosevelt, Rachel Carson, and...
by wilderness | Mar 20, 2010 | conservation, Hawaii Volcanoes, hiking, national parks, nature, sea turtles, wildlife
I just returned from the Hawaiian Volcanoes National Park service project where we backpacked 8 miles losing 2700-feet to get to a remote beach at Halape where we set up camp for a week of making the beach a more friendly place for rare hawksbill turtles, a critically...
by wilderness | Jan 15, 2010 | nature, photography, trail work, wildlife
One of my favorite things about Wilderness Volunteers trips – besides the hard work, the great people, the good food, and the spectacular views – is the wildlife. I still remember the first time my brother and I saw elk – which for two teenagers from New Jersey was a...