by wilderness | Jan 23, 2013 | 2013 trips, backpacking, bears, birds, camping, Mission Mountains, Montana, trail work, trip spotlight
Photo by Katy Giorgio from WV’s 2011 Service ProjectToday we spotlight our service project in the broken and beautiful Mission Mountains of Montana, often called “America’s Alps.” Towering mountains, glacial lakes, clear cold streams and majestic falls are a few...
by wilderness | May 17, 2012 | bears, pct method, Tips, video, west virginia
Jasper Nat’l Park, Canada (2009)Our inaugural trip last year into West Virginia’s Cranberry Wilderness – 1 of 8 projects in the east in 2011 – led us into the middle of 90,000 acres of beautiful hardwood forest, which up until 2007 was a black...
by wilderness | Oct 10, 2010 | appalachian trail, bears, books, quotes
Forest Park – Portland, OR (2009)This one comes from one of the great outdoor reads of our time, A Walk in the Woods, courtesy of Bill Bryson.“All the books tell you that if the grizzly comes for you, on no account should you run. This is the sort of advice you...
by wilderness | May 13, 2010 | bears, video, wildlife
I was traveling through New Mexico this week and caught this on the evening news. Needless to say, I feel compelled to share.Think she’s got impressive moves? Check out her competition, featured on this blog last spring.
by wilderness | Mar 9, 2010 | bears, video, wildlife
I was traveling through New Mexico this week and caught this on the evening news. Needless to say, I feel compelled to share. If you think this bear has impressive moves, watch this one strut her stuff.
by wilderness | Mar 21, 2009 | bears, video, wildlife
I think Dorothy was wrong about the bears. Apparently, they’ve got better hobbies than terrorizing young girls from Kansas, or even hikers like us: