Last Opportunities to Give Back with WV in 2013

Last week, we crossed the halfway mark for our 16th season of giving something back through weeklong service projects.  While there’s still a large amount of work to be done, there aren’t many spots available in the latter half of our season....

WV Visits King Range NCA on California’s Lost Coast

California’s Lost Coast, photo courtesy of Eric MakIn late April, a Wilderness Volunteers group trekked on an 8 mile backpack to a beachside campsite deep into the rugged Lost Coast of Northern California.  The Lost Coast is the longest stretch of...

Hike Stronger

This year’s Wilderness Volunteers projects have started, with one trip in the field this week, and three going out next week.If you are preparing for your upcoming project, or for a backpack trip in the upcoming months, you are probably working on being in...